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Ways to give

The Bible teaches that giving should not be done out of pressure or manipulation, but rather from a heart of worship. If you’re a regular attendee here, we invite you to join us in building God’s kingdom by giving.


Give online through the secure Church Center portal below.


Text any amount to 84321.


You can fill out the giving
envelope at church and drop it in the offering buckets or in the drop box located in the lobby.


Where your giving goes

Ministry programs of our local church

Worship services, discipleship classes, small groups, Bible Studies, Celebrate Recovery, and ministry to children and youth. Our annual budget provides the necessary staffing, curriculum, logistics, facilities, and resources to provide these ministries

in our local church.

Ministry programs in the community

"The Mission", is a ministry serving the homeless of Central Florida. They provide material support to those in need as well as assistance to those

who want to get off the streets.
“Idols Aside”, is a ministry to the fatherless youth of our community. It’s like a big brother, big sister program, but designed to make a spiritual impact. They provide mentoring, activities and field trips to touch the lives of kids without a father in the home.

Ministry spreading the gospel around the world

We support missionaries working around the world - Jen and Joanne Ibsen, missionaries to Thailand. Don and Jean Gallagher, missionaries to the Muslims in Turkey. Ben and Jessica Vreeland, missionaries to Kosovo.

Nicaragua Church Network

Since 2009, we have partnered with Cafe Diego to sponsor the planting of over 50 churches in the mountains of Matagalpa, Nicaragua. Even today, thanks to the faithfulness of those who give to Berkley Chapel, we make up 60% of the ministry budget for the network of churches. To further support Cafe Diego, visit

Lena Vista Food Bank

We partner with Lena Vista Baptist church to help them stock their food bank with canned goods and groceries to feed hundreds of those in need in our local area.

Orphan’s Hands

This incredible ministry provides housing assistance, food, medical help, and more to those in need in Moldova in Eastern Europe. For more information, visit

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